DealQuest  Podcast with Corey Kupfer

DealQuest Podcast with Corey Kupfer

Hosted by: Corey Kupfer

Why do some companies grow by leaps and bounds while others only inch forward? Simple. They embrace Deal-Driven Growth in addition to organic growth! DealQuest is where you learn how to strategize, prepare for, find,...


Episode 288: The Heroic Journey with Dov Baron

Season #1

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Episode 287: Licensing Deals with Corey Kupfer

Season #1

In continuance with the DealQuest Podcast episode remastering project, I’m sharing with you one of my earlier solocasts regarding licensing deals. In this episode, you’ll find not only the basics of licensing deals,...
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Episode 286: From Paper Routes to Profit Margins with Richard Parker

Season #1

As is the case with many guests of the DealQuest Podcast, this week’s guest, Richard Parker, never envisioned himself as a dealmaker. Parker's journey into the world of dealmaking, however, began early at the age of...
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Episode 285: The Road to Business Exit with Scott Bushkie

Season #1

Mergers and acquisitions, one of the best ways to grow your business, but sometimes it feels like trying to assemble a puzzle in a hurricane - exhilarating, chaotic, and you might end up missing a few pieces. That’s...
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Episode 284: Success in E-Commerce with Stephen Speer

Season #1

On this episode of the DealQuest Podcast, I have guest Stephen Speer, the founder and CEO of eCommerce Lending Inc., a firm specializing in financing acquisitions, advisory, and search services in the online space. ...
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Episode 283: Deal or No Deal: The Anatomy of Failed Negotiations

Season #1

Negotiation: Not just a pivotal element in dealmaking, but a crucial skill to possess. Mastering the skill of negotiation can lead to deal-driven growth and success. The repercussions of failed negotiations, however,...
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Episode 282: Navigating Entrepreneurship Insights with Mike Michalowicz

Season #1

Hey there, it's Corey Kupfer, your host at DealQuest, and I'm bringing yet another enlightening conversation your way. In this episode, I had the pleasure of engaging in a lively dialogue with none other than...
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Episode 281: Franchising as a Path to Business Ownership with Jon Ostenson

Season #1

This week on the DealQuest podcast, we have impressive guest, Jon Ostenson on. Jon is the CEO of FranBridge Consulting, a top 1% franchise consultant, and the best-selling author of Non-Food Franchising: The Better...
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Episode 280: Capitalizing on Collaboration with John Prothro

Season #1

DealQuest community, this week I’m happy to have guest John Prothro on the DealQuest Podcast. John is an experienced executive with a background in M&A, operations, and multinational business leadership. As the...
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Episode 279: Strategies for Successful Deal-Making: Patience, Pacing, and Relationship Building

Season #1

To continue with our DealQuest Podcast project of remastering key episodes in the DealQuest Podcast library, I am bringing you a remaster of another early episode, a solocast that discusses the importance of patience,...
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Episode 278: Serendipity in Business with Noah Graff

Season #1

Fellow entrepreneur, dealmaker and podcast host, Noah Graff, joins us this week for a discussion on treasure-hunting, brokering M&A deals, and roles of relationships in business. Noah is multi-faceted and...
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Episode 277: From CFO to CEO: Expertise in Deal-Driven Growth with Gina Cocking

Season #1

This week’s guest, Gina Cocking, is a highly accomplished CEO with a wealth of experience in investment banking, finance, and executive leadership. With a career that spans prestigious firms, such as Kidder Peabody,...
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